General Terms of Use

Please read these terms carefully before using Aloha Scan.

By using the application, you agree to the terms and conditions.

1. Legal information

Editor: Mediactive Events Solutions, SASU registered at RCS of Paris under n° 523 455 566 with a capital of 46 074.34 €.
Headquarter: 4 cité Paradis - 75010 - Paris.
EU VAT number: FR 515 234 555 66
Contact by email:
Phone number: +33 1 55 28 80 60

Service is hosted by Mediactive Network.

2. Services provided

Aloha Scan App allows exhibitors to collect contacts and professional information from visitors and other exhibitors who agree to it by scanning their badge.
This badge contains the information relating to the professional identity of the data subject provided during the participant's registration to the event.
The application also offers the possibility to complete the contact'sheet with additional information fields (by default: a quotation of the chances to establish a commercial relationship depending on the relevance of the professional profile of the person)
If the participant doesn't want his information to be transmitted, he may simply refrain from scanning his badge.

3. Obligations of the User

3.1. Use of free fields and qualification area:
The application offers a free comment field associated with the contact sheet of the person who has been scanned. In this context, any comment that is discriminatory, inappropriate or unsuitable is formally prohibited.

3.2. Compliance with the regulation on the protection of personal data
The application allowing the collection of personal data, the User becomes responsible for subsequent processing performed on this data.
It is his responsibility to comply with his obligations under current regulations and in particular to put in place appropriate mesures to ensure data security and respect for the rights of data subjects.

4. Intellectual property

Mediactive Events holds the rights to the general structure of its application. The application as a whole and each of the elements that compose it (text, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, animations, banners, brands, software) are the exclusive property of Mediactive Events.
The use, reproduction, representation and / or exploitation of this application or any of the elements it contains, by any means, is therefore strictly prohibited without the prior written agreement of Mediactive Events.

5. Management of the personal data of the User

The data entered by the User in order to be authorized to use Aloha Scan is the subject of a computer processing intended to allow him to have all the functionalities of the application according to the type of authorization granted to him.
In accordance with the French law n ° 78-17 Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978, the User has a right of access, rectification, opposition and erasure of his data, which he can exercise at any time from his Aloha Scan account.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1. Reliability of the data
However, Mediactive Events only has the data directly filled in by visitors during their registration and cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and shortcomings thereof.

6.2. Indirect damage
Mediactive Events is not liable in the event of an interruption of access to the application due to maintenance operation, connection problems due to the mobile operator of the User, updates or technical improvements or in order to change content and / or presentation.
Mediactive Events declines any responsibility concerning the access and the content of the application in case of direct or indirect damages, regardless of cause, origine, nature and consequences, and in case of damages caused by a fraudulent intrusion by a third party.
The user is aware of the risks inherent to the use of the Internet services. The user is therefore responsible for taking any appropriate measures to safeguard his data and equipment and / or programs from contamination by any viruses but also to prevent theft of his mobile.

7. Modification of service or conditions of use

Aloha Scan application is regularly updated by Mediactive Events as well as its legal notices and conditions of use which are by nature changing.
The User agrees to respect them.

8. Jurisdiction and applicable law

In case of dispute, this legal notice is subject to French law and the courts with Jurisdiction over the headquarter of Mediactive Events will be competent to know any dispute relating thereto and the French version of this text will be referred to.